Short-Court Game

Tactical Problem: Scoring on an opponent by placing ball into open space.  Preventing scoring, by moving to an appropriate position to return the pass.
Skill development: Moving to the ball.  Getting into proper body and arm position.  Passing to a designated area (opponents court).

Teaching Points: 

Get behind the ball.
Face up to target area.
Stress correct hand, arm and body position.
Changing force on the ball to put into open space.


Organizational Points: 
  • Volleyballs
  • Groups of two
  • One student get ball and 2 cones 
  • Partner finds a section of court (divide court    based on number of students in class, preferably no more than 3 per side).
  • Play over the net to partner.
      Rule 1 "Ball must be passed within target area." 
      Rule 2 "Ball must be hit up using forearm pass."